See... I told you so!
Didn't I tell you so?! The Prime Minister WILL NOT disband the Sabah Federal Development Department (JPPS). The Federal BN has no intention to close down the JPPS . To quote the report under this headline in a local daily today on the statement by Chief Secretary to the Government, TS Md Sidek Hassan:
"no decision has been made on the proposal to disband the Sabah Federal Development Department (JPPS). He said the Federal Cabinet did discuss the proposal on Wednesday but that no decision was made on the issue, which was raised by the Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) when it met with the Prime Minister earlier this week. We did discuss the matter and I have related the results of the discussion (at the Federal Cabinet meeting) to the Chief Minister of Sabah this (Thursday) morning. As what has been promised by the Prime Minister, we are willing to consider the proposal and it will be discussed thoroughly to achieve the objectives that were discussed earlier (during the the Prime Minister's meeting with the Sabah BN leaders on Monday), he said." (Daily Express, p1-2, 11/04/08)
Uuiii urang BN Sabah, kamu inda sedar kah kamu kena tipu oleh ketua BN kamu, itu Perdana Menteri sendiri??? The Prime Minister lied through his teeth right to your face, and you cannot even SEE the reality of the situation. All Sidek need to do is putar belit on the words the PM used (look again at the pix of his face in the article...can't you see the obvious snicker as he struggles hard to hide his laughter at your stupidity!). Of course, the PM made a promise to you last Monday. Yes, he made you a promise. The promise that he made to you was: 'he will consider your proposals and to discuss them thoroughly". Technically, as stated by Sidek (see the purposely bolded part in para above), the PM fulfilled his promise which was to 'consider your proposals and to discuss them thoroughly' on Wednesday (09/04/08) at the Federal Cabinet meeting. Yes, he did fulfill his promise, after all, so no more accusing si lembek of only giving empty promises! So, to all BN leaders who submitted your wonderful proposals last Monday, the Prime Minister has indeed fulfilled all his promises to you. He promised you that he consider ALL your proposals and to discuss them thoroughly, which he did. So, technically, he fulfilled his promise. You see, the PM never lied to the Sabah BN reps and the Sabahans. The fact of the matter is this: the PM NEVER promised to close down the JPPS. The PM NEVER promised to resolve all problems relating to illegal aliens, MyKad, giving more ministerial posts to Sabah MPs, borneonisation of federal departments, street kids, poverty, etc. He NEVER made any promise to resolve any of these Sabah problems! The PM never promised to make any decision on these problems. The ONLY promise he made to the Sabah BN leaders last Monday is this: he will consider your proposals and to discuss them thoroughly'. Come the following Wednesday, the PM fulfilled that promise, he considered the proposals and discussed them thoroughly at the Federal Cabinet. Promise fulfilled. Job done. Sidek informed the Sabah Chief Minister on the fulfillment of PM's promise. End of story. See what excellent loyar buruk we have managing this country!!!
Next question. Why won't the PM disband the JPPS? Because JPPS is more or less like the 'Wang Ehsan' for Terengganu. The JPPS was established in Sabah during the Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) rule (1985-1994 thereabouts) when it was still an opposition party "to oversee the implementation of Federal projects in the State" (DE, p2, 11/04/08). Last Monday, the Sabah BN leaders propose to PM "to abolish the JPPS so as to smoothen the implementation of Federal projects by channeling funds to the State Government through the Chief Minister's Department". Gosh! Does the Sabah BN leaders actually believe that the PM would allow federal government money to be channeled to the Sabah Chief Minister's Office? Are you people serious in actually believing that that is a remote possibility? Gosh! I am just speechless! Buduuuh butul urang Sabah ni! I bet my bottom dollar that those in the Federal Cabinet must have been rolling on the floor laughing their heads off last Wednesday at the stupidity of the Sabah BN leaders. I'm sure they must have ask: Are these Sabah BN leaders for real?!! Whoah...back up a minute, there. No, don't be fooled by all these wayang kulit. Something is definitely going on behind the scene. You think the Sabah BN leaders are fools? Nahhh. They, too, want (and all these while must have been having, I am sure) their hands in the cookie jar. It's all wayang kulit...and it's all about dollars and sen!
If you can recall my take on this in my last article "Sabah will be duly rewarded: PM", posted last 8th April, that I was very sure the Federal BN will NOT close down the JPPS. In that article I wrote:
"JPPS has been in Sabah for about 20 years. It doesn't look like it is ready to close shop. It is already deeply entrenched within the underground halls and dark spaces where fattened contractors and well-fed government servants negotiate and roam. Imagine, if you may, a cancer growing and and flourishing in a human body for 20 long years. Imagine how obnoxious and abhorrent that cancer would look today. You cut away the cancer, not sure whether the host will live. So are we still surprise that JPPS is very much alive, fat and kicking even as we speak? You think they and their few hosts will want JPPS to close shop? Well, think again."
Of course, the PM and his cronies, his SIL included, will not allow the JPPS to close. Otherwise, how can they get their grubby hands on the federal government money that are meant for development in Sabah. Remember, the Wang Ehsan, the Patrick Lim and the Monsoon Cup of Terengganu. Well, the JPPS will be the Patrick Lim (the proxy of you-know-who) et al who will control the Wang Ehsan and build all kinds of Monsoon Cups (including the RM15 million schools-turned-white elephants, projects that we don't hear about, and possibly the upcoming Sabah Development Corridor) in Sabah. JPPS will be very much needed to continue in Sabah to enrich certain umnoputras especially in the next 5 years and hopefully forever, if Sabahans continue to be buduh. In the end, Malaysian politics is about grabbing or stealing as much money as possible from the federal and ALL states (so-called) development projects. Yes, that, in a nutshell, is Malaysian politics.
I'd give my left pinky to know what the Sabah Chief Minister is now thinking, now that TS Sidek had already informed him that the PM will not share with him even a single sen from all that federal development money that Sabah should be getting in the next 5 years. Or maybe, they have made some nice arrangement already (in which case, I'll take back my bet). Wayang kulit lah, of's all just wayang kulit and oscar-standard acting. That and of course the fact that politics in Sabah, and worst , politics in Malaysia, is all about becoming rich instantly. Malaysian politics (state politics included) is the biggest, largest and most successful get-rich-quick scheme in the nation's history. Oh my...that is Malaysian politics in a nutshell.
Friday, April 11, 2008
No Cabinet Decision to Abolish JPPS: Sidek
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sabah will be duly rewarded, vows PM
Yeah rite! If you believe this, then you must still believe in the tooth fairy! Wait all you want for that vow to be fulfilled, and I can assure you that you will wait till kingdom come!
The title above was a headline in a Sabah daily yesterday which among others also reported that the PM also gave assurance to look into issues related to illegal aliens, giving more ministerial posts to Sabahan MPs, illegal MyKad, street kids, JPPS, borneonisation of federal departments, poverty, etc. Bold headline indeed: Sabah will be duly rewarded. You think?! Any reader with a pea brain could already see the vagueness of the PM's statements and emptiness of his vows.
And that's exactly what the opposition, a VP of PKR, said today, that "... the PM's visit to Sabah was a total disappointment. He did not bring anything solid from Kuala Lumpur, and gave all sorts of vague statements and promises."
Each and every issue highlighted by the BN reps who came to consult PM last Monday, all of them, are old issues. Nothing new, some are as old as Malaysia itself. And, correct me if I'm wrong, is it not BN who has been ruling Sabah since the mid-nineties? How come these same-old, same-old issues continue to remain unresolved and have to be brought over and over and over again to the attention of the Prime Minister? Is he hearing these for the first time in his life? Didn't the State BN Government has had ample time to mend Sabah's problems with the help of big BN?
Headlined yesterday, too, was that the Jabatan Pembangunan Persekutuan Sabah (JPPS) might close shop. The JPPS was set up way back when PBS (now, a BN component) ruled Sabah as an opposition (1985-1994 thereabouts) as a means of channeling federal funds directly to the development projects without having to go through the State government coffers. Then BN came in and ruled Sabah after 1994. Somehow, NOBODY in the State or Federal Government relised how redundant the JPPS has become since 1994 to the present day. It is just mind-boggling how it took the State and Federal BN 14 years to realise how stupid this JPPS arrangement has become, save for certain quarters, of course. JPPS have been deciding and acting on its own where development projects are concern. Even past state MPs have questioned why JPPS never consulted local representatives and authorities in many development projects. Cases in point were the many RM15 million schools build in the middle of nowhere throughout the State, in areas where there are not enough student population. Many of these schools are empty or near-empty. The JPPS when they build these schools think they are too smart to consult the local reps and authorities. No Sabahan is stupid as to not see that JPPS just build for the sake of building, to disburse the funds and enrich a few. Not surprising, a PKR member today (DE, p. 3) claimed that "JPPS had also flourished corruption in Sabah.... I call on the authorities concerned to investigate all Federal-funded projects implemented through JPPS." This same member pointed out that "JPPS caused overlapping of duties to several State departments which was probably why a simple flyover in Kota Kinabalu took six years to be implemented."
JPPS has been in Sabah for about 20 years. It doesn't look like it is ready to close shop. It is already deeply entrenched within the underground halls and dark spaces where fattened contractors and well-fed government servants negotiate and roam. Imagine, if you may, a cancer growing and and flourishing in a human body for 20 long years. Imagine how obnoxious and abhorrent that cancer would look today. You cut away the cancer, not sure whether the host will live. So are we still surprise that JPPS is very much alive, fat and kicking even as we speak? You think they and their few hosts will want JPPS to close shop? Well, think again.
What about the illegal aliens? They are staying in Sabah as if they own the State. No sane Sabahan would dare wander into any of their notorious colonies and expect to come out alive. Many locals have been stabbed and killed in public places in broad daylight by these illegals. And the illegal MyKad issues... so many things to say on this topic as well as the rest of the issues mentioned above that I don't even know where to start. So I won't even try to begin.
But one thing's for sure. The PM's vows will just remain that ...empty promises. Of that, I'm pretty darn sure. Just carefully read his statements. One very obvious case is when the Sabah reps ask for more ministerial posts for Sabahan MPs. Oh yes, he promised he will give "but it will take time"! Duhhhh...his ministers have already been sworn in, the present federal government has only few more years to go, and it is not sure how stable his government will be the next few years. You think he will bother to waste his limited precious time to accommodate some so-called conscientious Sabahan MPs? Again, better start thinking again. So, when the PM says "but it will take time", just take it to mean ..."when donkeys fly, my clueless friends!" And let's just get on with our lives.
But if any still insist on waiting for the PM's promises to be fulfilled, be my guest...
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