Congratulations, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim! You did it! You won Permatang Pauh! A landslide victory for Anwar, for Reformasi! Now on to Putrajaya, Mr Prime Minister-in-waiting...
The official results of the Permatang Pauh By-election today, as announced by the Elections Commission at 10.02 pm, 26 August 2008:
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim: 31,195 votes
Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah: 15,524 votes
Hanafi Mamat: 92 votes
Majority: 15,671
Voter Turnout: 80%
Total Votes: 47,258
Spoilt Votes: 447
Datuk Seri, you have successfully made the first step on the road to Putrajaya. You've won the ticket to be the next Prime Minister of Malaysia. This is a huge victory for reformasi and democracy in Malaysia! While we rejoice with you, it would be worth our while to take into account that this is only the beginning of the more difficult task to bring about the necessary changes to this country.
Be aware, as we know you are, be very aware that UMNO/BN will do whatever it takes to stop you. You beat the odds, and it is a great psychological bonus for you to have destroyed whatever tiny hope that UMNO/BN had to reduce your majority from the 13,348 votes that Datin Seri secured in the General Elections last March. You even denied them of that puny little hope as proof of the erosion of the people's trust in you. On the contrary, your increased majority of 15,671 votes can only mean that more and more Malaysians are beginning to look up to Datuk Seri to lead this nation to greater heights.
We know as well as you do that the road ahead will be very hard and tough. On top of that, Datuk Seri will have to carry on your shoulders the hopes and aspirations of the people of Malaysia. But while we, the rakyat, have placed our hopes and dreams on you, be assured that our prayers are also with you on your journey to Putrajaya. Our prayers and support are with you as we work together towards the fulfillment of the people's aspiration in building this great nation called Malaysia.
Thank you, and our prayers are with you, Datuk Seri.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Anwar Ibrahim Wins Permatang Pauh By A Landslide!
D-Day in Permatang Pauh, D-Day for Malaysia
Today is an exciting day for Malaysians. It is D-Day in Permatang Pauh.
Today, 26 August 2008, is polling day for the by-election in Permatang Pauh. Never in Malaysia's history has so much focus, hope and expectations of millions heaped on a single by-election. This by-election is critical because Malaysia's Opposition de facto leader, the iconic and charismatic Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be slugging it out at his home base with BN/UMNO's Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah, and an Independent unknown, Hanafi Mamat, who had become nearly invisible since nominations day on 16 August. This by-election brings the hope for changes in the country's governance that millions of Malaysians are looking forward to. This Permatang Pauh by-election could be the re-birth of true democracy and good governance in Malaysia.
This by-election is also a Do-or-Die for both sides. The fight is not so much between the two major contenders - Arif versus Anwar. The implications goes beyond these two contenders. The actual battle is between Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and and Malaysia's ruling government, the Barisan Nasional (BN). Anwar is seeking a comeback to politics after an absence of 10 years, during which he was sacked from UMNO in 1998 and after that jailed for six years on sodomy charges which Anwar now alleged was fabricated by UMNO, then led by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed and involving some in the government. As Anwar had often publicly announced since his active return to politics, he is seeking a comeback to overthrow the corrupt UMNO/BN out of government, and formed the next Government of Malaysia, albeit from political crossovers by BN lawmakers to his Pakatan Rakyat (PR, or the People's Coalition).
Anwar was Member of Parliament (MP) for Permatang Pauh from 1982 to 1999, the year he was hit by corruption and sodomy charges that landed him in jail. Anwar's wife, Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail, the PKR President, held the seat for 3 terms until she resigned last 31st July 2008, paving the way for Anwar's return to Malaysian politics. From then, all hell broke loose for the charismatic and ambitious Anwar. Since the General Elections (GE) last March, where the opposition coalition wrested control of five states, Anwar created havoc for UMNO and BN when he repeatedly announced that he will form the next Government come September 16, 2008 as he has at least 30 MPs waiting in the wings to cross as as soon as he enters the House of Parliament. The GE last March heralded a New Dawn for Malaysia, Anwar declared, and he announced to all that he is the Prime Minister-in-waiting. Hence, the significance of today's by-election. This Permatang Pauh by-election is the ticket to head the new government of Malaysia for this Prime Minister-in-waiting. Permatang Pauh will lead the way for Anwar to Putrajaya, the seat of the Government of Malaysia. Hence, the by-election's battle cry: From Permatang Pauh to Putrajaya.
Today, 26 August 2008, Malaysia is on the threshold of a historical event of the political kind. Should he win, Anwar will have put an end to the 50-year dominance of UMNO in leading the BN government. Fifty years is quite a long time - enough time for corruption, cronyism and abuse of power to fester and take root. These are what Anwar claims he want to fight and get rid of. For such noble goals, many Malaysians welcome Anwar with open arms. For many Malaysians, sick and fed-up with all the repressive abuse of power, corruption and cronyism reaching high up in the highest BN echelons, Anwar represents a change - a change, not immediate, but a change nonetheless away from this sickening, repressive and abusive manner in which government of the day is manipulating the people in their desperation to hold on to power. The people are simply tired. The people are fed-up and sick at the revolting tactics the ruling government is using against anyone who dared to stand up to them. Anwar represents that beacon of light that dared to shine and expose to the world the terrible darkness that engulf the corrupt and the evil that is UNMO/BN.
Because Permatang Pauh could spell the political demise of those presently in control of UMNO, led by the Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and his Deputy, Najib Tun Razak, all stops were unplugged and all possible means to stop and get Anwar were put into fast drive. The path to Permatang Pauh had not only been difficult and challenging for Anwar, it had been soiled with filth and vile accusations of the sordid kind that could only have been borne from the brain cells of the clones of the devil incarnate himself. Because of the success of the trumped-up sodomy charge of 1998 that had thrown Anwar in jail for six years, a similar sodomy charge was hastily cooked up at end-June/early-July when Anwar was still mulling in which Parliamentary seat he would be contesting. The sodomy charge was similar to that of 1998 in every manner conceivable that it became Sodomy II. It is laughable at how UMNO top officials are totally devoid of any creativity and new ideas at how to get Anwar. The copy-cat sodomy charge is evident of UMNO's desperation to stop Anwar at all costs. The past weeks since end-July have been terribly sad, maddening but mostly embarrassing for many Malaysians to be exposed to all the sodomy charges that only people in UMNO are capable of hurling at Anwar. They even have the stomach to drag such filthon to their holy ground, to the oath-taking by Anwar's sodomy accuser in a mosque in Kuala Lumpur. It is just incomprehensible that the UMNO top officials are blind to the people's true sentiments. They are obviously blinded by their greed and their desperation to hold on to power. I have a strong feeling that for all these bad deeds and all their devious actions and tactics, the UMNO top officials will pay for in Permatang Pauh.
As I write this, it is past 4.00 pm, I am also surfing to see a few websites that give live reports and updates from Permatang Pauh. From noon to nearly 5.00pm, the eye witness reports coming in by the minute say that the voters turnout has risen from 50% at noon to possible 70%-75% by 4.30 pm; the polling stops at 5.00pm. High turnout is great for Anwar. Some reports say that Anwar's majority is climbing over and above 10,000 and could reach 15,000 or possibly 20,000. Another report claims that Anwar has already won, garnering 60% of the votes. Some supporters have started their chants, "Hail to the new Prime Minister of Malaysia!" This are good news for Malaysians and democracy.
Indeed, today looks set to be a good day for great changes in Malaysia. This day looks real good for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. This day will bring in a New Dawn for Malaysia. Indeed, today will spell the rebirth of democracy in Malaysia.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Big Time Betrayal For Sabah by Yet Another UMNO Chief Minister
Barely have Sabahans gotten over the folly of its infamous gambler cum ex-Chief Minister, Osu Sukam (please refer to my earlier post "Of Elections, The Development Promises, The Betrayal), now Sabahans are further embarrassed, not to mention made very much poorer, by the current Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Aman should a report on money traficking and money laundering (see below) be true. The report below basically says that the Hong Kong Government has arrested one Michael Chia, the adopted brother of Datuk Seri Musa Aman, at the Chep Lap Kok Airport and has seized the RM16 million worth of Singapore currency which Michael Chia was attempting to smuggle out of Hong Kong. Chia is alledged to be involved in money laundering and traficking in Hong Kong together with two other partners of Musa Aman. When arrested, Chia pleaded to be freed as the money belongs to Musa Aman, and that he (Chia) is merely an agent to take the money out of Hong Kong to Kuala Lumpur for the Permatang Pauh by-elections.
It comes as a shock to many Sabahans to think that the Chief Minister they voted in the General Elections last March would be even remotely involved in money laundering and traficking, much less have an adopted brother who had confessed to the police that the ill-gotten money belongs to the Chief Minister. Come to think of it, in the current manner Malaysia is being managed by the powers that be, it would be naive for Sabahans to think that the Chief Minster could be where he is today without having to pay 'ang-pow' money (much like the mafia protection money) to those higher-ups in UMNO who govern and corrupt Malaysia every which way they can. The timing of this latest revelation involving Musa Aman and BN/UMNO couldn't have come at a better time - on the third day of the campaign period for the by-election in Permatang Pauh (polling day is on 26 August 2008), deemed a critical by-election that could forever change the political landscape of Malaysia and spell the end of the corrupted BN Government, the ruling coalition that had governed and held Malaysia by her throat for the past 50 years since Independence.
The article which, if true, reveals concrete evidence and the missing link between Musa Aman and the more than an average joe's riches that the Aman brothers/family flaunt (riches which obviously belong to Sabah), was posted in Malaysia Today on this 18th day of August, 2008:
Kerajaan Hong Kong Rampas Wang Musa Aman?
Posted by Super Admin
Monday, 18 August 2008 13:20
Oleh: 'Deep Throat' Sabah
Penangkapan adik angkat Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Musa Aman iaitu Michael Chia di Hong Kong pada jam 2.35 petang khamis (14 Ogos 2008) telah membongkar misteri di sebalik enigma.Michael Chia ditangkap polis Hong Kong di Lapangan Terbang Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong ketika ingin menyertai penerbangan ke Kuala Lumpur.
Menurut sumber rapat Polis Hong Kong dan Interpol, mereka telah memantau kegiatan haram Michael Chia sejak tiga tahun lalu dan akhirnya berjaya menangkap Michael bersama bukti wang tunai Singapura bernilai RM16 juta yang diseludup keluar daripada Hong Kong di dalam beg pakaiannya.
Setelah disoalsiasat, Michael merayu agar dibebaskan kerana wang berkenaan milik Musa Aman dan beliau hanyalah agen membawa keluar wang berkenaan ke Kuala Lumpur bagi membantu meringankan beban kewangan Barisan Nasional dalam proses penamaan calon di Permatang Pauh dan sebahagiannya untuk kegunaan pilihanraya kecil berkenaan.
Penangkapan ini membuatkan Musa Aman berang dan bimbang beliau akan terjerat berikutan penahanan Michael Chia bersama bukti dan lebih malang lagi apabila akaunnya di beberapa bank di Hong Kong dibekukan serta merta.
"CM (Musa) marah betul atas kebodohan Michael Chia kerana bawa wang tunai. Kenapa tidak TT (Telegraphic Transfer) saja? Saya rasa CM kita dalam bahaya," ujar Datuk Amin Khan, seorang proksi Musa Aman ketika memberitahu rakannya yang juga Datuk melalui telefon di sebuah coffe house hotel terkemuka yang sempat didengar wakil Malaysia Today di Sabah yang secara kebetulan menikmati makan malam di situ.
Penangkapan suspek ini mengejutkan semua pihak terutama Badan Pencegah Rasuah Sabah kerana Michael Chia tidak boleh meninggalkan Negara ini tanpa mendapat izin BPR kerana pasportnya dalam simpanan BPR atas beberapa pertuduhan rasuah bersama Loh Man Heng.
Michael yang sebelum ini ditangkap bersama rakan kongsi Musa Aman, Loh Man Heng dan Chong 'Khung Long' (Chong Dinasour) kemungkinan akan dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Tinggi Hong Kong pada hari ini bagi menghadapi pertuduhan penyeludupan wang dan pengurupan wang haram (Money Traficking dan Money Laundering).
Penangkapan Michael ini memberi tamparan hebat kepada Ketua Pengarah BPR, Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan kerana desas desus yang tersebar meluas mengatakan bahawa Kes Rasuah Loh Man Heng telah ditutup berikutan pengakuan Loh Man Heng sendiri bahawa beliau telah membayar sejumlah RM4 juta melalui pegawai kanan BPR, Mohd Jamidan Abdullah yang sebelum ini menutup kes Musa Aman dalam kegiatan pembalakan haram di Keningau.
Sebelum ini, Pengurus Besar Operasi Kumpulan Yayasan Sabah, Mohd Daud Tampokong yang sering kelihatan bersama dengan Michael Chia di Hong Kong dan Singapura untuk menjalankan transaksi kewangan bagi pihak Musa Aman.
Namun bak kata pepatah modern, sepandai-pandai ayam melompat, akhirnya menjadi KFC, Michael Chia terjebak walaupun sebelum ini telah berjaya melakukan traksaksi pemindahan wang dalam jumlah yang besar, namun kali ini tertangkap kerana gelojoh membawa wang tunai dengan jumlah melebihi had yang dibenarkan.
Musa Aman begitu mempercayai Michael Chia kerana syarikat bapa Michael, Chia & Sons telah banyak membantu Musa di era beliau membina kerjaya dalam bidang pembalakan dan kontrak, terutama penyewaaan skau (tongkang) untuk menarik kayu balak Musa.
Apabila Musa menjadi Pengarah Yayasan Sabah dan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Michael telah menjadi 'Taiko' dalam bidang perhutanan terutama di konsesi Yayasan Sabah.
Michael turut dibantu oleh Chong 'Khung Long' atau yang digelar 'Dinosour' kerana kegiatannya dalam bidang pembalakan haram untuk membekalkan balak kepada Michael selain daripada konsesi dengan kerjasama Pengarah Perhutanan Sabah, Datuk Sam Mannan @ Sam Singh.
Berita penangkapan Michael Chia belum diketahui umum namun tidak mengejutkan penduduk Sandakan kerana selama ini beliau menunjukkan kekayaan luar biasa dan hidup mewah dengan memiliki sekurang-kurangnya dua bungalow dan 17 kereta mewah, selain harta yang dibeli di Hong Kong dan Singapura.
"Satu sport rim keretanya sama nilainya dengan sebuah proton wira," ujar William, seorang mekanik yang menyelenggara keretanya sejak tujuh tahun lalu.
Dalam pada itu, hubungan antara Daud Tampokong dan Michael Chia terlalu rapat kerana mereka sering dilihat bersama di Shang Hai, Shang Zen, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapura dan Quang Zhou untuk menguruskan 'ang pau' untuk Musa Khan yang kebanyakannya dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Hajjah Rosmawati Haji Lasuki (Gundik Musa Aman) yang juga Pengurus Sumber Manusia dan Pentadbiran Yayasan Sabah.
The article above confirms how terribly desperate the powers that be are to hold on to power in the already terrible political state that Malaysia is currently embroiled in. What easier way to stay in power than play money politics. This RM16 million that is making its way to Permatang Pauh is obviously just tip of the iceberg. (I have not even started to mention the UMNO party elections later in October where even party members have publicly complained that delegates are already rampantly and openly buying nominations to be elected into UMNO supreme council and top party positions.) The UMNO/BN Government is pulling out the plug on this no holds barred by-elections in Permatang Pauh in a desperate bid to stop opposition de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at all costs from becoming the next Prime Minister of Malaysia. Just as it's crucial for Anwar to win this by-election and embark on his way to the country's premiership, it is a more critical Do-or-Die for UMNO, the dominant party in the ruling coalition. This desperation on the part of UMNO to hold on to power is alleged to be the reason behind the conspiracy to politically assassinate Anwar using an old political ploy - the infamous sodomy charge against Anwar. Based on an old 1998 script, for total lack of creativity on the part of the perpetrators, this latest sodomy charge - now known as Sodomy II - just seems too ridiculous to be true. And the fact that the whole UMNO machinery is moronically supporting every move the 23-year old complainant makes is evident enough that Sodomy II is all politically choreographed and, as Anwar says, a political conspiracy as only UMNO is capable of.
Should Anwar win the Permatang Pauh by-election on 26 August 2008, the Prime Minister and his cronies and the Deputy Prime Minister and his cronies, too, should be counting the days to their political demise. The former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, who ruled Malaysia with an iron fist for 22 years and who everyone now knows was behind Sodomy I had recently said that if Anwar becomes Prime Minister, he will migrate. So to those behind Sodomy II (by now many Malaysians know who they are because of the internet), be prepared to join Mahathir in his migration plans. And should Anwar win the by-election, Malaysians can look forward to a change for the better and to a New Dawn for Malaysia.
This piece of information is important to Sabahans. This information has revealed the type of Chief Minister we have under BN and in UMNO and which Sabahans have voted for in the General Elections last March. See what Sabahans voted for as their leader - a Chief Minister who sole purpose during his chiefministership tenure seems to be self-enrichment. This RM16 million - just the tip of the iceberg, obviously - is a hell lot of money. It could built schools and provide clean water supply in many villages in Sabah where even these basic amentities are glaringly lacking. Many Sabahans were terribly dissapointed at the conculsion of the General Elections last March: Sabah was the first State in the country to announce a win for Barisan Nasional. It seemed Sabahans never learnt!
Well now, Sabahans, learn this. The current political situation is troubling many right thinking Malaysians. The blantant use and abuse of the total Government machinery, especially the police and the public prosecutor's office, by BN/UMNO for their own political agenda raises serious questions on the current misrule of law in this country. What this country critically needs at this point in time is a CHANGE from the direction this country is heading into; we need a change towards a better future for all Malaysians .... a Malaysia for all races. At this point, if Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim represents that promise for change and seems to be our only hope for a change, so be it. Malaysian will want to support those individuals/parties that promise a change for a better future and equality for Malaysians, irrespective of race. To initiate such a change immediately, Sabah's Members of Parliament (MPs) must be among the 30 or so MPs that Anwar needs to jump over to the alternative front (Pakatan Rakyat) to form the next Government of Malaysia. To the Sabahan MPs, do the wise thing when Anwar Ibrahim wins Permatang Pauh on 26 August 2008. Join en masse the Pakatan Rakyat and help Anwar Ibrahim form the next democratic Government of Malaysia. Let Sabahans be counted and let us make a difference in forever changing the political landscape of Malaysia. Let Sabah go down in history as an important kingmaker at a time when it is duty bound and critical to do so. Sabahans, let us redeem ouselves. Let us save Sabah and Malaysia from the clutches of the evil, corrupted and greedy UMNO. Let us do the wise thing - support and vote for change - and, for once, let us do good for our country, for our children and for own future.
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