As part of my daily ritual when visiting MT this morning, one article titled "Bermulalah Perang Terhadap Najib" caught my attention, and I followed the link:
Interesting post by Encik Amin. Reading En. Amin's post, it becomes increasingly clear there is a real concern among many Malaysians on the the future of this country after the premiership change come March 2009. The concern centres on the fact that there are many, many unanswered questions regarding the Altantuya murder case, and more importantly, the alleged connection of this country's 'possibly' future premier to this notorious murder case. It would be worth their while if the powers that be make some attempts or are seen to make some attempts to address the concerns of the rakyat on the matter. If people's concern and suspicions are left to fester, then it would not be far wrong to say that the situation will only get worse, and the two banners included in the said post could multiply tenfold in terms of banner numbers, but surely a hundredfold in the minds of the masses.
But what further caught my interest was another article on the same page. En. Amin had posted a letter which the father of the late Altantuya wrote in support of RPK. I thought I'd heed En. Amin's call to publish the letter. And not just the letter but the post is reproduced in total below:
It is such a tragedy that RPK and his family have to suffer for trying to do something to uncover the truth. And I'd like to thank brave souls like RPK and like-minded Malaysians and bloggers for simply trying to make Malaysia a safe and better place to live in. Thank you, Brave Malaysians!Surat Bapa Altantuya bela RPK
7 10 2008
Diatas adalah surat yang dikirim oleh bapa kepada Altantuya Shaariibuu, Dr. Shariibuu Setev kepada Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) yang kini terpenjara selama dua tahun di Kem Tahanan Kamunting dan sedang menghadapi perbicaraan di Mahkamah Sesyen Petaling Jaya diatas tuduhan dibawah Akta Hasutan.
Surat tersebut dikirimkan olehnya kepada penulis blog Susan Loone yang ditulis dengan tulisan tangannya sendiri. Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Inggeris surat tersebut berbunyi begini:
I understand, Mr. Raja Petra has good personal character and has a good reputation and runs humanitarian activity.
I understand that the below issues were directly connected with murder case of my daughter:
- Who did arrange visa issue for my daughter while she visited in French?
- Who was attending in the trip to French and what did they do?If it could make clear those issues, they would understand every thing. Why is there so much force and influence in the case? Because there was a serious issue. Thus they destroyed my daughter.
Unfortunately, they pressed down Mr.Raja Petra’s statement. I think this issue needs to get attention from international human right organizations.
He (RPK) shouldn’t be a victim of politic for justice. It would be justice if they release Mr.Raja Petra.
As we are, all Mongolian worry for him and his justice, we lack of information on truth and situation.
Mongolian citizen:Shaariibuu Setev
06.Oct.2008Dalam surat tersebut, Dr. Shaariibuu turut mempersoalkan tentang siapakah yang menguruskan visa Altantuya untuk ke Perancis. Selain daripada itu beliau merasakan bahawa RPK menjadi mangsa ISA kerana membongkar pengelibatan pemimpin tertinggi kerajaan Malaysia dalam kes pembunuhan warga Mongolia, Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Diharap teman-teman penulis blog yang bersimpati kepada RPK dapat turut menyiarkan surat ini diblog masing-masing.
Mansuhkan ISA!!!
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