Fellow Sabahans, the window of opportunity is here and now in our political landscape. This window of opportunity is the largest it has ever been since Sabah helped create this reality called Malaysia. Seize this opportunity now, or forever hold our peace.
Fellow Sabahans, come out in one voice. Come speak in one voice. An united voice is loud and clear and can reach the highest of heavens. The power of a united people is strong and mighty and can, in one stroke, topple a seemingly invincible dictator. We have succeeded before, we have shown that a united people can overthrow an autocratic government. Sabahans can do it again.
We have been silent or silenced this past 45 years; that's how old this nation state of Malaysia actually is. The frivolous Malaysian Government keeps forgetting that had it not been for Sabah and Sarawak, there would be no Malaysia. The Malaysian Government is not even sure how old Malaysia, in actual fact, is. The frivolous Malaysian Government, thus, continue to mislead the people that Malaysia is 50 years old when, in reality, the country is only 45 years old. By refusing to acknowledge these facts, the Malaysian Government is essentially downplaying and denying the crucial role of Sabah and Sarawak in the formation of Malaysia. Crux of the matter is, the Malaysian Government has been denying Sabahans of our rights since the day Malaysia was formed. The 20-points was the document to safeguard the full Sabahan rights as we conceded to become part of this nation called Malaysia. But from day one, the 20 points have been eroded and sidelined, resulting in this once beautiful land of plenty and abundance to become, today, the poorest state in Malaysia.
Fellow Sabahans, BE SILENT NO MORE! The window of opportunity is here! Let's stand up for our rights and be counted. We can be the king maker for Malaysia at this crucial point in time. We can make history here. Let's together redeem ourselves for the sake of our children and this beautiful land that is Sabah.
Sabahan political parties, stand up in one voice. Save Sabahans from oppression by West Malaysian politicians. SAPP has started the ball rolling. SAPP will support a vote of 'no-confidence' against the Prime Minister of Malaysia scheduled Monday, 23 June 2008. Kick out the incompetent Prime Minister first. This will create havoc in the ruling coalition, the Barisan Nasional. If more dissenting voices emerge from other BN component parties, the ruling coalition will be in crisis. The Prime Minister's party, UMNO, will be weakened, and the dominoes will fall. Come September, we will see a new dawn for Malaysia. UPKO, are you in? PBS, where is you fighting spirit?! Kick UMNO out of Sabah. Let Sabahans rule Sabah! LET US SEIZE THIS WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!
Fellow Sabahans, let us demand the following:
- Complete borneonisation of federal departments in Sabah: Sabahans know the local sentiments. Sabahans know the local culture and traditions. Sabahans know Sabah like the back of their hands. Hence, all federal departments in Sabah must be headed by Sabahans;
- Resolve the illegal immigrants issue in Sabah once and for all. Deport all illegal immigrants, even their children. Why should Sabah be burdened by 'street kids'? The illegals bore them, so send them all back to their mother land! Clean Sabah of all these problem people;
- Demand 20% oil royalty for Sabah. Sabah has been funding mega developments in Kuala Lumpur and other parts of West Malaysia. It is time to develop Sabah and return Sabah back to its glory days, back to being one of the richest states in Malaysia;
- Take back the island of Labuan. Sabahans have been inhabiting Labuan. They are our relatives, our brothers and sisters, and they have been working there all their lives. With the 20% oil royalty, we can build Labuan to be a great off-shore business centre and a grand tourist destination;
- Kick UMNO out of Sabah. Sabahans in UMNO should form a new party, and eliminate any remnant of UMNO in Sabah;
- Take back all lands that have been allocated to Peninsular-based companies, and resolve all land grabbing controversies and return all lands to genuine Sabahans; and
- Re-look the 20-points. Those that are relevant and protect the rights of Sabah should be enforced.
Fellow Sabahans, the window of opportunity is here. Seize it! Demand what are rightly ours. Sabahans, let us stand united to fight for and demand our rights, our resources, and our riches. Regain the Sabahan pride and dignity. Take back what is truly ours so that we can save Sabah and keep this land safe and rich for our children and our future generation.
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