NO! NO! NO! NEVER! Permanent Resident status must NEVER be given to Filipinos in Sabah. ANY MALAYSIAN WHO APPROVES OR GIVES PR STATUS TO FILIPINOS WILL BE DEEMED A TRAITOR TO MALAYSIA! And a traitor should rightly be shot to death! PR to the Filipinos in Sabah? When hell freezes over! That's when and only when you can give them the PR status!
The Filipinos in Sabah have been nothing but burdensome and troublesome to Sabah. They have caused so much hardships and pain to Sabahans. They brought into Sabah everything bad and evil under the sun. They brought in drugs, criminals, prostitutes and gays as well as their uncivilized culture. They have drained Sabah's economy, burdened our health and educational resources, took over substantial part of the small business economy throughout the state, and are the biggest cause for the rising social problems and crimes in Sabah. The Filipinos and the Indonesians are the main reason for the high incidence of poverty in Sabah; Sabah is now the second poorest state in Malaysia when it was once the richest. Together, the Filipinos and Indonesians must have repatriated billions and billions of ringgit back to their homelands. How many billions exactly has been channeled out of Sabah, we shall never know.
A nagging thought strikes me. Why should a high ranking Philippine Migrant official want his fellow citizens to become Malaysian permanent residents? Isn't that tantamount to turning your back on your fatherland? Why would a Filipino government official encourage his fellow citizens to have dual citizenship? Doesn't that make it easier for Filipinos to commit crimes (that's what they are most noted for, anyways) in their homeland and escape easily to their second country, i.e., Malaysia. Since this official is a representative of the Philippines government, can we say that the Philippines government condones a criminal-friendly environment or criminals dens to flourish in both Philippines and Malaysia?
I find it ridiculous that this official, one Estaban Conejos, would propose the granting of PR status to Filipinos when they came in here illegally in the first place. It is also ridiculous for this Conejos to say that many Filipinos have lived in Sabah for so long that they no longer have relatives left in the Philippines. Common, Mr Conehead, what do you take us for? Sabahans are not fools, and we don't think stupid like you! How can one lose all relatives in a single lifetime, let alone in plus-minus 45 years because that was when your Filipino illegal immigrants and refugees started coming in. Even in two or three lifetime you'd have some relatives left, heck, possibly even more!
What agenda does this Assistant Secretary Estaban Conejos have? My only conclusion is this: This is the easiest way to claim Sabah since Philippines has never dropped the claim on Sabah. What better way to claim Sabah than by just residing permanently in Sabah, courtesy of the Malaysian Government, of course! Yes, this is the Philippines agenda: to claim Sabah by invading and taking over Sabah, not through military occupation but through socio-political and economic invasion via the PR status.
One can easily imagine this nightmare. Picture this. Given the PR status, the Filipinos will breed like mosquitoes in Sabah. They will take over the economic and commercial sectors. They breed and multiply some more because now they are more comfortable and financially well-off. The Filipinos will now rape and rampage all natural resources that they can make money off - our forests, our oil and gas, our minerals and our gold. They will repatriate back billions and trillions of ringgit back to their homeland to feed their people and to build and modernise their country. By now, they are so economically powerful that they can take over politics and the government. So now, they control the economic and government sectors. By this time , too, the Filipinos will be flooding our schools, our hospitals, our social institutions, and our churches and fully capitalizing on and utilizing all social and physical infrastructures in Sabah. (Incidentally, the Filipinos - and Timorese from Indonesia - are currently flooding our churches since these two groups are essentially Catholics.) Then, to strengthen their economic, political, government, and social control of Sabah, the Filipinos will bring in their military to complete their total invasion of Sabah. The Filipinos will now be in complete control of Sabah in every sense of the word, that Sabahans have become the minority in their own land. In the end, Sabah will become Southern Philippines. Hence, territory annexed , and mission accomplished on Philippines' claim on Sabah!
What a scary picture the above!
Essentially, this is what Sabahans fear most: a takeover of Sabah by the Philippines, starting with commercial, then economics and social, then political, followed by government control and finally military invasion. This is the Sabahans' greatest fear. Hence, the Malaysia Government must be totally serious and committed to its promise to repatriate ALL Filipinos back to where they came from. ALL Filipinos must be send back, including the women and children. Especially the children, because these are the children roaming the streets of Sabah, hence, the term street-kids. These kids MUST be send back with their parents and/or to their country of origin. Failing this, the children will form the next generation of illegal aliens in Sabah, and all our efforts of getting rid of illegal immigrants in Sabah will be in vain.
In conclusion, our Malaysian Government must fulfill its promise to Sabahans to rid Sabah of the illegal immigrants that have been the biggest source of all social and criminal problems in Sabah. To the Malaysia Government, please honour your promise and save Sabahans from becoming the minority in their own country.
Rakyat Benci Rasuah…
1 week ago
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