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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

An End to the Vile Malaysian Ruling Elite Brand of Politicking. Finally?

Is that a silver lining I see on the dark threatening cloud that has hovered over Malaysia's political landscape this past month? Is this really the end to the vile and filthy brand of politicking that has become synonymous to Malaysia's ruling gangster elite aka UMNO? We had prayed so.

This past month, right thinking Malaysians have been praying for an end to the Government's devious charade against a true Malaysian citizen. Malaysians have been deeply troubled by the unfolding events this past 4-weeks, especially the blatant acts of law of the jungle by our law enforcers right up to the highest office of the Government of Malaysia, the Prime Minister himself. Right thinking Malaysians were horrified at the vigorous actions taken against one single Malaysian citizen by the combined force of Malaysia's law enforcement system and high-ranking Government officials and lawmakers, largely comprising the UMNO elite, especially in their hounding demands for Anwar's DNA samples. Right thinking citizens of Malaysia at large could only stand and watch, question and pray that this abuse of power by the government of Malaysia against a Malaysian citizen and his family will come to end soon. And God seemed to have answered our prayers exactly one month to the day this evil attack was launched against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on 28 June 2008.

Ever since that day, 28 June 2008, when the sodomy charge was filed against Datuk Seri Anwar, an obvious repeat of the political fiasco that brought him down 10 years earlier, Malaysia struggled to hold on to its dignity and integrity. Or at least, the average Malaysians tried to, but their efforts at keeping a straight and honest face kept getting derailed by, of all people, their own leaders, those tasked to manage the Government, from the law enforcing personnel, the law upholders, the ministers in charge, and right up to the highest offices in Government, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Prime Minister. Malaysians, at large, cringed at the thought of a repeat of the 1998 legal fiasco - an alleged sodomy that took place at an apartment building that didn't even exist, the kangaroo court, the disgusting sight of a mattress hauled in and out or court - that have left a bad imprint on the public's mind. Malaysians, in general, fear a repeat of the the sodomy charge of 1998 which, manipulated by Mahathir Mohamed's ala Zimbabwe rule, managed to put an end to the career of a rising political star who ended up jailed for the next 6 years. Oh no, not again, you can literally hear Malaysia groaned. And to our horror, the political drama began unfolding much in the same manner as that notorious case against the same individual 10 years earlier: the police report by the alleged victim (which was never made available to the accused) was followed by a dramatic arrest of the accused by police dressed in full balaclava gear and in 15 police vehicles, and the desperate attempt to secure fresh DNA samples of the accused via medical checkup and overnight cell confinement, the failure of which was followed by thundering cries and demands from notorious lawmakers, the Home Minister and the clueless Prime Minister for fresh DNA samples of the accused. This time around, however, Anwar Ibrahim knew better, and did not heed to such idiotic demands by the ruling elite gangsters for his fresh DNA samples . This time around, too, Malaysians at large, and much of the world's free countries kept a close watch, admonishing and warning the Malaysian government to heed the rule of law in their handling of Anwar's case.

The ruling elite should have known better as this is no longer 1998. People always learn, even monkeys do. When you know that the enemy is up to the same tricks, you steer away, call their bluff and you fight back, tooth and nail. The enemy should have known that when you prepare for battle using faked ammunition, you need to mobilise an idiotic bunch of soldiers who are willing to die for your idiosyncrasies and your craze for power. Therein lies the problem. You may fool some people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time. There are bound to be good people somewhere in this God forsaken country who still possess these things called conscience and integrity. Thank God, there are. There are people who will use their conscience to do the right thing in their line of duty. We are grateful for the noble act of one Dr. Mohamed Osman Abdul Hamid who gave a factual medical report on the real status of the alleged sodomy victim.

I first read about the leaked hospital report yesterday (28 July 2008) on the Malaysia Today website, which I have been trying to access since 2.00pm today (it is now 6.30pm) but couldn't. The website is obviously being hacked again. I had to go to Anwar Ibrahim's blog for the life-saving report. The following leaked hospital report confirms that the sodomy charge is a political assassination of Anwar Ibrahim:

The good doctor's report confirms Anwar's contention that the sodomy allegation is baseless and nothing but a political conspiracy by political figures high up in the government. Anwar Ibrahim held a press conference today to condemn the police for "their negligence, dishonesty and recklessness in humiliating the nation by dragging us all through this vile and filthy charade" and told the police to stop the probe.

DS Anwar Ibrahim's Press Statement, 29 July 2008, 11.30am

Today, 29 July 2008, is a great day for truth and justice in Malaysia. Today, in Malaysia, is the beginning of the end to the vile and devious politicking tactics of the ruling elite gangsterism that is UMNO. Is it? Finally?

Today should have been a great day for truth and justice in Malaysia. Today should have been the day to start putting an end to the shame and disgrace that have painted the political landscape of Malaysia. But it is apparent that these shameless and disgraceful political attackers have not yet shown the white flag. No, in their line of battle, these political attackers never have any white flag on them, and neither do they intend to have one. They do not know the meaning of defeat. Even if they fall hard to a shameful death, they would still be screaming bloody victory to their name. Obviously, they do not seem to possess the humble characteristic of being gracious in defeat. No, these political animals do not have the word 'conscience' in their vocabulary and neither do they know the meaning of justice and integrity. How then can we, mere citizens on the street, expect them to possess even an iota of 'good' in their governance?

Is that a silver lining I see on the dark threatening cloud that has hovered over Malaysia's political landscape this past month? Is this really the end to the vile and filthy brand of politicking that has become synonymous to Malaysia's ruling gangster elite aka UMNO? We had prayed so. But, by the way events are moving, and the manner in which the Malaysian clones of the devil incarnate continue to operate, it looks like we have to pray harder. Pray hard, but play even smarter.

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